Thursday 27 November 2014

Small Boots Haul

Hey guys! I haven't bought makeup in a while as I've been trying to save recently, but I thought I'd treat myself and go on a small Boots haul, courtesy of my mothers credit card (I had been told that I need to buy something for myself instead of saving for presents for people for Christmas but I just couldn't take the guilt!). I'm just going to tell you guys what little picks I bought and should review a couple soon.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Soap & Glory Kick Ass Concealer Review

Hey beauties! So yes, I have finally given into the temptation of buying this product after months of it being on my wishlist. I'm the sort of person to have tons of beauty products written down to buy but then I go out and see other products and buy those instead... Does anyone else do this? After all the hype this concealer got, I knew it would be a good one to add to my collection so I went and bought it! Guess what, I was not disappointed! When the beauty world hype, they know what they're talking about. So I've had this product for about a month now (pictures taken less than a week after purchase and use), I thought I would use it for some time so I could give a true opinion and proper review.

Monday 3 November 2014

Halloween Part I, II & III

Hello spooky cuties! So Halloween has come and gone and we're all left with our few pieces of candy and a scrawled up costume. I thought it would be nice to show you all what I decided to put on my face for this occasion. Now, I had three different places to go over the Halloween weekend so I had three different costumes to prepare which was the most fun thing to do because I love Halloween so much!